Monday, April 19, 2010

April 17, 2010 - SATURDAY-StoryArtistry(tm)

What fun we all had at the April 17, StoryArtistry meeting in the Central Brevard Library in Cocoa, FL! I now know how to shorten the Little Red Hen and make it shorter and funnier than ever! (Supersonicized! is what we called it.) Everyone seemed to enjoy taking an old story and "fractionating" it to the point of hysteria! We all left lifted up and happy. Twelve brave souls entered the room to behave admirably and learn a little, if not a lot, about "playing" with story (and puppets). They were given several pieces of homework, both children and adults, and we'll see what happens when they return May 15 at 2 pm, in Conference room 3. If we keep adding people, we might need a bigger room soon! That would be very nice! Bebe, one of the librarians, at the circulation desk, was impressed by all the happy faces pouring out of room 3 after the event section of StoryArtistry was over. One adult stayed for the 2nd half which is dedicated to anyone wanting to be coached or to just talk about any aspect of storytelling. The event was a wonderful success! HOPE to see more people next time! Don't forget to bring a friend!
Well OMAR, our male cat, says it's time to say "Bye, Bye" until next time.
Thank you to everyone who showed up at the StoryArtisty Event!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

StoryArtistry Adventures

I have been creating puppets for television for at least a year now. The first show is national and just went international. I have plans for a show of my own as I really enjoyed writing the scripts for the first show. So I have in the works puppets! Oh dear, just got a request for another puppet for the television show! So now my dear hearts who are awaiting creation sit in pieces, while I create one more puppet for the other show. I am on it and still having fun!

This morning my husband and I went to the First Health Arts in Medicine Showcase in the Avenues at Viera. My husband and I heard a harp player, singers, guitarists. We painted cookies, (and got to eat them), painted foam forms, wrote messages on ribbons for our loved ones, talked with special dogs and their handlers, hospice volunteers were everywhere and it certainly was a pleasant day as the weather was perfect for this event. It was a nice way to take our artist's date. My husband insisted I get my caricature drawn and it is up on our website!
Check it out at

Last month nine people joined us at StoryArtistry. We had so much fun with the puppets and stories. Two very vivacious little boys were entertained with stories and their mother is interested in coming back for coaching on her favorite story. Another little one found StoryArtistry after the break and brought in her mother and grandmother who both are interested in following the path of story adventures. I have been working on the craft for this month. StoryArtistry meets at 2:00 pm in the Central Brevard Library 308 Forrest Ave. Cocoa, every third Saturday, of each month. Come j0in us!